Our Services

Offering a vast array of offerings

Our Menu of Services

Just Look What We Can Help You With....

[info_list style=”circle with_bg” icon_bg_color=”#f4c32c” icon_color=”#ffffff” font_size_icon=”24″ icon_border_style=”solid” icon_border_size=”1″ border_color=”#00c5c0″ eg_br_width=”3″ connector_color=”#00c5c0″][info_list_item list_title=”Print Design” heading_tag=”h2″ list_icon=”Defaults-paint-brush” animation=”fadeInDown” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:26px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” title_font_color=”#00c5c0″]

We’ll create a compelling and stylistic layout for a variety of printed materials; such as:
    • Logos & Icons
    • Brochures, One-Pagers, Fact Sheets
    • Annual Reports, Compendiums
    • Multi-page Reports, Directories, Booklets
    • Event Materials (for promotion and on-site registration)
    • Signage
    • Stationery, Letterhead, Business Cards
    • Book Layouts and Jacket Cover Art
    • Policy Statements & White Papers
    • Press Releases
    • Magazine Advertisements
    • Promotional Novelities  

[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Online Graphics” heading_tag=”h2″ list_icon=”Defaults-laptop” animation=”fadeIn” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” title_font_size=”desktop:26px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” title_font_color=”#00c5c0″]

In the virtual world, we can help you with the following online graphics:
  • Website Creation or Redesigns/Refreshs
  • Promotional Emails
  • Web and Landing Pages
  • Infographics
  • Social Media Graphic Elements and Profile/Cover Page Artwork
  • Ads of all types, Banner Heads
  • e-Newsletters
  • Interactive PDF Documents

[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Writing & Editing” list_icon=”Defaults-pencil” animation=”fadeIn” title_font_size=”desktop:26px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:32px;” title_font_color=”#00c5c0″]

Many of our clients provide us their own wording so we can create various publications; but oftentimes, we are asked to write for you. We would be pleased to help you with the following:
  • Editing Text
  • Proofreading Copy
  • Brochure/Promotional Text
  • Website Content
  • Social media posts
  • Press Releases
  • Letters and Business Correspondence
  • Resumes/CVs
  • Speeches/Presentations


[icon_counter flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” flip_box_style=”advanced” icon=”Defaults-star” icon_size=”50″ icon_color=”#c1272d” icon_style=”circle” block_title_front=”Ready to Launch?” front_heading_tag=”h1″ block_text_color=”#000000″ block_front_color=”#00c5c0″ block_desc_back=”Seidman Says! can take your communications to new heights. We’re ready to get you fired up!” block_back_text_color=”#c1272d” title_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_font_style=”font-style:italic;” title_font_size=”desktop:32px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:30px;” desc_font_line_height=”desktop:36px;”]