Seidman Says! can take your communications to new heights. We're ready to get you fired up!
Our Menu of Services

Just Look What We Can Help You With....
Print Design
We’ll create a compelling and stylistic layout for a variety of printed materials; such as:
Logos & Icons
Brochures, One-Pagers, Fact Sheets
Annual Reports, Compendiums
Multi-page Reports, Directories, Booklets
Event Materials (for promotion and on-site registration)
Stationery, Letterhead, Business Cards
Book Layouts and Jacket Cover Art
Policy Statements & White Papers
Press Releases
Magazine Advertisements
Promotional Novelities
Online Graphics
In the virtual world, we can help you with the following online graphics:
Website Creation or Redesigns/Refreshs
Promotional Emails
Web and Landing Pages
Social Media Graphic Elements and Profile/Cover Page Artwork
Ads of all types, Banner Heads
Interactive PDF Documents
Writing & Editing
Many of our clients provide us their own wording so we can create various publications; but oftentimes, we are asked to write for you. We would be pleased to help you with the following:
Editing Text
Proofreading Copy
Brochure/Promotional Text
Website Content
Social media posts
Press Releases
Letters and Business Correspondence

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