Multi-Page Publications


A Road Map for Ending Domestic Violence in California,” is an 36-page report prepared for FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE, a health and social justice nonprofit. This is one of many report publications done for FUTURES done over the years that features large compelling images and bold colors in keeping within their branding.

View this full report

Surviving DC – Domestic Violence
2023 CEF Education Matters Budget Book
State Healthcare Strategies
USIJ Report
State Policy Framework

Portfolio Spotlight:

Seidman Says! excels in creating multi-page publications, books, directories, catalogues, and compendiums. Whether your business report is 4-8 or more than 250 pages in length, we can help you design a show-stopping publication your company that you can take pride in. Our capabilities include writing text, editing and proofing, as well as designing the cover artwork and graphic layout throughout booklet. For printed material, we can assist in securing an experienced professional printer with competitive prices; for digitally distributed works, we can expertly prepare interactive PDFs with bookmarks and hyperlinks for optimized viewing online.